Workplace Health
Shivaun has over 18 years experience in workplace health – designing, delivering, evaluating and leading health programs for hundreds of companies in Australia.
Her communication & project management skills combined with an expert knowledge of health & behaviour change places her in a leading position to guide your business to world class health performance.
Investing in your employee’s health minimises risks associated with poor physical and mental health, such as absenteeism, poor productivity and a disengaged culture.
Organisations that implement health and wellbeing strategies can reduce their employees’ health risks by up to 56% (1) and on average, can expect a positive return on investment (ROI) of 2.3 (2). That is, for every dollar spent, an average of $2.30 in benefits to be gained for the organisation.
The choice for leading organisations is not whether to invest in workplace health but who to partner with to bring about sustainable change.

Presentations and Workshops
Shivaun is an experienced public speaker, having presented at health & safety conferences, seminars & workshops around Australia since 2005.
She has presented seminars and workshops nationwide for corporate functions, executives and employees, community groups, health & safety conferences, children, medical practitioners & allied health.
She has presented to the employees of over 100 companies including mining, rail and transport, construction, banking, packaging and food industries, retail and government departments.
Her passion, knowledge and humour entertain and inspire audiences to embrace health & happiness.
Shivaun is experienced in delivering:
conference presentations
workplace seminars
executive coaching workshops
health professional training
tool box talks at rural/regional sites
on-stage interactive cooking demonstrations
healthy lifestyle programs for kids & families.

Shivaun has developed presentations for health and training conferences around Australia including:
Dietitians Australia Conference (2023) - 'The Client Centred Approach to Long Term Behaviour Change'
TerryWhite Masterclass (2022) – Keynote ‘Change Management’ and ‘Health Coaching in Practice’
Health Coaches Australia New Zealand Association Conference (2022) – ‘Negative Emotions and Trauma-Informed Care – Expanding Scope of Practice’
Dietitians Unite (2022) – ‘Communicating for Momentum: Transforming a client’s mindset for change’
Better Health Company (2022) – ‘Goal Setting and Action Plans’
The Beaches School and Naremburn School Teachers Workshop (2022) – ‘Communication to Facilitate Change’
Sydney North PHN (2021) – Primary Healthcare Symposium ‘The Future of Primary Health Care’ + panel discussion
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine Diabetes Revolution Summit (2021) – ‘Does our current approach to diabetes help our clients get the best results?’
Goodfellows Conference New Zealand (2021) – ‘Creating Change in a 15-minute Consultation’
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine Conference (2020) – ‘Developing a Coaching Mindset for Health Behaviour Change’ Workshop, and Welcome Remarks
Cape Institute Health Professionals Webinar (2020) – ‘Health Coaching to Motivate Change’
CPD Masterclass with Dr David Katz (2019) – ‘Health Coaching for Nutrition and Exercise – Supporting Lasting Behaviour Change for Mental and Physical Health’
Sydney North PHN (2019) –‘Health Coaching and Health Behaviour Change in Clinical Practice’
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine Conference (2019) – Welcome Remarks
University of Melbourne public lecture (2018) – ‘Nourishing your brain’
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine Conference (2018) – ‘Coaching Health Behaviour Change in Clinical Practice’
GMHBA’s Community Seminar (2018) ‘Master Your Health – Tools to Create Long Lasting Change’
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine’s core competencies CPD workshop (2017) – ‘Introduction to Health Behaviour Change’
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine’s Reinvigorate Your Practice CPD Workshop (2016) – ‘Coaching for Health Behaviour Change’
Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine’s Eduventure (2015): Physician Heal-thy Self – ‘Nutrition is thy medicine’
ELLE’s event ‘The Morning of Little Life Changing ideas’ (2015) – ‘Health Goals That Stick’
FILEX (2015) – ‘Positively Influence Clients’ Nutrition Choices’, ‘Live Long & Prosper’ and ‘Eat Right for Every Stage of Life’
Network Intensive Training Summit (2014) – ‘Nutrition for Each Stage of Life’
Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association Conference (2013) – ‘Health Coaching’
Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association Conference (2012) – ‘An Anti-Inflammatory Eating Plan for People and the Planet’
North Sydney Medicare Local Mini Conference Series (2014) – ‘Health Behaviour Change – Cardiometabolic interventions’
Laneway Learning (2014/15) – ‘Brain Food: Mood and Function’, ‘Reframe You: Break Bad Habits’
Hunter Breast Cancer Forum (2013) – ‘An Anti-Inflammatory Eating Plan for People and the Planet’
Chronic Claims Conference (2008) – ‘Making a Success of Workplace Health’
Sydney Safety Conference (2008) – ‘Workplace Health Promotion’
Sydney Safety Conference (2007) – ‘Business in the Future – Strategic Health Promotion’
NSW Minerals Mining OHS Conference (2007) – Workplace Health Promotion – Creating a Supportive Environment for Change’
QLD Resources Mining Safety Conference (2006) – “Health and Wellness Promotion…. Creating a Supportive Environment for Change’
WA Safety 2005 – “Evidence Shows Workplace Health Promotion Works – But How Do You Get Your Employees to Attend?”
health & wellbeing
workplace health
Health & Wellbeing Consulting
Shivaun works with large and small businesses, organisations and not-for-profits to:
Develop or review your current health strategy
Ensure delivery of your health strategy including the maintenance of established processes, improvement of existing processes and implementation of new initiatives
Lead the design, implementation and evaluation of your company wide preventative health program
Lead and collaborate with teams to deliver on health & wellness projects
Manage your relationships with external health & wellness providers and ensure a highest quality of service delivery
Ensure compliance with health & safety legislation
Develop & maintain positive relationships with internal stakeholders
Provide leadership in the health & wellness space and instil a sense of shared ownership towards health & safety, and most importantly
Create a happy, healthy & engaged workplace to enhance individual and business performance

Request a quote or tailored solution
I can tailor a course or workshop to suit your needs and budget. Presentations and courses can be developed based on the skill and experience level of participants and workplace needs.